Ever since the first promo of Delhi Belly came out, the bold nature of the film did shock quite a few people. The film, which is all set for release on July 1, has now been cleared by the Censor Board with an 'A' certificate. However, the team of Delhi Belly can heave a sigh of relief as the Censor has cleared the film without any cuts.
Aamir Khan has always maintained that the content of Delhi Belly is strictly for Adults Only and now that the film has been cleared with an 'A' certificate, without any cuts, Aamir surely would be a relieved man.
Delhi Belly stars Imran Khan, Vir Das and Kunaal Roy Kapoor in lead roles.
Aamir Khan has always maintained that the content of Delhi Belly is strictly for Adults Only and now that the film has been cleared with an 'A' certificate, without any cuts, Aamir surely would be a relieved man.
Delhi Belly stars Imran Khan, Vir Das and Kunaal Roy Kapoor in lead roles.