As already announced, Yash Chopra's next directorial venture stars the king of romance, Shah Rukh Khan. As Yash-ji put it earlier, "Everyone knows that when I make a movie, Shah Rukh will be involved with it. He is like family to YRF and I have always regarded him as one of my own."
However, after days of media conjecturing, YRF has confirmed that the two ladies, who will be a part of this project, are Katrina Kaif, who will be playing a role opposite Shah Rukh for the very first time, and Anushka Sharma, who was launched in RAB NE BANA DI JODI alongside Shah Rukh.
Orchestrated by Yash Chopra, this untitled movie will mark the coming together yet again of the award winning duo of music maestro A.R. Rahman and poet-lyricist Gulzar.
Says the veteran: "It's been seven years since I directed VEER-ZAARA and as I begin work on my new film, I hear my inner voice asking me a lot of questions. Are you sure you want to direct again, you are nearly 80 years old and the audience is getting younger day by day. Can I really speak from my heart and still expect today's youth to listen to me? Will I be able to live up to the blind faith that Shah Rukh Khan has in me and give him yet another memorable romantic film? Will I be able to present the beautiful Katrina Kaif and the very talented Anushka Sharma in a way they have never been seen before? Will I be able to inspire Rahman and Gulzarbhai enough to create their best work yet?
"The honest answer is... I DON'T KNOW! All I know is that I'm making a film that I believe in, a film that is about love and nothing else. A film which has an old soul but a young heart. A film which is classic in its look but contemporary in its language. A film which I'm making on one simple faith... the love that my audiences have given to me over the years. They have tolerated my indulgences for the past 50 years, I'm sure they will indulge me one more time."
The film is scheduled for a Diwali 2012 release, the festive time when Yash Chopra movies, over the years, have lit up homes worldwide. Yash-ji, it's nice to have you back in the Director's Chair!
However, after days of media conjecturing, YRF has confirmed that the two ladies, who will be a part of this project, are Katrina Kaif, who will be playing a role opposite Shah Rukh for the very first time, and Anushka Sharma, who was launched in RAB NE BANA DI JODI alongside Shah Rukh.
Orchestrated by Yash Chopra, this untitled movie will mark the coming together yet again of the award winning duo of music maestro A.R. Rahman and poet-lyricist Gulzar.
Says the veteran: "It's been seven years since I directed VEER-ZAARA and as I begin work on my new film, I hear my inner voice asking me a lot of questions. Are you sure you want to direct again, you are nearly 80 years old and the audience is getting younger day by day. Can I really speak from my heart and still expect today's youth to listen to me? Will I be able to live up to the blind faith that Shah Rukh Khan has in me and give him yet another memorable romantic film? Will I be able to present the beautiful Katrina Kaif and the very talented Anushka Sharma in a way they have never been seen before? Will I be able to inspire Rahman and Gulzarbhai enough to create their best work yet?
"The honest answer is... I DON'T KNOW! All I know is that I'm making a film that I believe in, a film that is about love and nothing else. A film which has an old soul but a young heart. A film which is classic in its look but contemporary in its language. A film which I'm making on one simple faith... the love that my audiences have given to me over the years. They have tolerated my indulgences for the past 50 years, I'm sure they will indulge me one more time."
The film is scheduled for a Diwali 2012 release, the festive time when Yash Chopra movies, over the years, have lit up homes worldwide. Yash-ji, it's nice to have you back in the Director's Chair!